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Friday, July 07, 2006


Kabul Kharma

Athena and Kate arrived in Kabul today. Wendy arrived yesterday.

And then there were three.

It is a measure of our organization that we came despite several days of Kabul bomb attacks. Yeh, we hesitated. Yeh, we asked everyone we knew (Toni's magic rolodex). But the work awaits us here. It is making an impact and it shouldn't wait. So we came. Bravo to the hard work of every Afghan team member that Bpeace is needed here.

And you know what? Kam Air had children on the flight. Real Afghan children with backbacks coming back from holiday. Headed home to Kabul. Like anywhere else in the world. Then, feet on the ground, anxieties are gone among the chatter of welcomes and a quick gasp at the heat. And an hour later, over a security briefing with Najib and our new guide Khalid, we are better prepared than any mission team before to deal with adversity . . .so the mission begins . . .more postings and PICTURES ahead we promise . . . maybe even one of the cafe scene here at the happening Kabul City Center.

oh and as for kharma . . .we are carrying a wide variety of talismans given by friends and family . . .you are with us always.

Athena and Kabul ladies, so happy to hear you made it there safely. Sending love and light to you and all of the Afghan women you are helping. xo Cindy
Athena, Kate and Wendy--I hope you find the laughs that every mission eventually brings. I hope you find our associates thriving. I hope you discover reports of trouble in Kabul to be overstated. Athena, I hope you find that special pair of cargo pants. Kate, I hope you don't liquidate the hump too quickly. Wendy, I hope your luggage bursts with goodes to bring home.

Love to all of you,

Thanks for your service! I really understand the "to go or not to go," in terms of ACCION's Colombia office. But that seems like a picnic compared to Kabul. I know your presence is needed and that you will be safe! Congratulations on doing such wonderful work. Robin
Despite the heat and the danger, I'm jealous. Wish I was with you. Stay safe, stay focused, come home to us.

Happy that you are all safely on the ground. Hope you have gotten a little rest from your travels. Wish I was with you.

Go Venus System!!!!
Oh, by the way Kate, I am having some problems with the children. Puck threw up the heel of one of your sneakers last night.............hurry home dear.
I've been waiting for the posting. Nervous, amazed, totally in sync emotionally with you brave and fearless travelers. I am happy to hear that you're once again engaged with the work and reuniting with the wonderful associates in our program. Please remember that you are in my thoughts and prayers all of the time. I send you my love, Ellen Lubin-Sherman
ms. athena! i've been jogging by your house in the early am - sending rhumba healthy puppy love vibes. i'm excited for your time there as well as your return!
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